Friday, September 23, 2005

Calling in sick

So I tried to clean my ears out (I frequently get wax buildup), and irritated my right ear so badly trying to dig out the wax with Q-tips that I probably punctured something or at least it felt like it. I spent one of the worst nights of my life waiting until 9am to call the doctor. I woke up about 20 times and tried sleeping on the floor, the couch, bed, chair, back, side, front, ice on head, warm towel, even tried a candle in the ear to dry it out (that was HOT). Just could not find a comfortable place to put my head with the throbbing ear attached.

Anyway, doctor cleaned it out and prescribed some Vicodin to help with the pain. It is amazing how difficult it is to work with intense ear pain. It is equally difficult to work while on Vicodin, but much more fun than working with ear pain. I decided to take Friday off rather than fight the above 2 choices again.

One thing I realized that a great game to play is to take a dopey drug and then try to remember what it was you just took. I was lying in bed thinking, "Davodin? No, hmmm. Danovid!" That killed about a half hour.

Unbelievably I have so far avoided the "What?" joke in response to "How is your ear doing?" Although I have been tested far too many times. My current feeling is that I hate my ear and sleeping more than 15 hours a day really should be reserved for cats only. Oh well, back to bed. I can only hope I will wake up tomorrow fully recovered.