Sunday, February 24, 2008

Fired for posting Dilbert cartoon

I just read a story about a man named Dave Steward who was fired from Catfish Bend Casinos in Burlington, Iowa for posting this Dilbert cartoon (published in late 2007) in his office:

They used surveillance video to identify that Steward was the one who posted the cartoon. He said "I wanted to try to boost the morale for the employees," but was fired 3 days later because his bosses didn't like being referred to as a drunken lemurs.

In order to receive his unemployment benefits, Steward actually had to prove in front of a judge that he posted the comic because he was merely stupid and not intentionally misbehaving.

The creator of the Dilbert comic strip heard about this story and posted these cartoons on 2/20 and 2/21/08 in response:

I have posted several Dilbert cartoons at various offices as my small way of expressing some frustration in situations in which I had no other outlet. Luckily I have never worked for anyone so uptight and rigid to have fired me for it.

ABC News
Des Moines Register
Troy Bettinger's Blog

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Another year, another new job

I have not posted here in a while. I wonder if anybody ever checks my posts. If you do, leave a message.

Recent news: I have gotten married and just got back from my honeymoon. :)

I have been on my current job for almost 6 months. Many stories to tell. From ice chewing to uses of "irregardless" More on that later.