Monday, February 06, 2006

Are you going to eat a cow?

Have you noticed that height is often inversely proportional volume?

This little woman that sits behind me can't be more than 5 feet tall and is by far the loudest woman on the floor when she is taking personal calls at work. I know all about her husband and how funny it is that he is over 6 feet tall while she is barely 5 feet tall, yet I have never talked to her about her husband nor have I seen him. I also know that if she doesn't leave at 4:30, traffic is way too bad, and she wants to stay much later.

Just today she insisted that her husband should work out first tonight before installing new software on their computer and that her "tummy" hurts and she is thinking of going home. I also know all about a wide variety of issues concerning this woman's personal life which I don't feel like going into any more detail.

To make matters worse (for me and my over-sensitive ears) she types with very heavy fingers and chews very loudly with an open mouth when she eats at her desk.

I often seem to have problems with co-workers and various annoying noises, so it just MIGHT be that am a bit too picky. But do you really have to chew with your mouth open? and if you are going to take personal calls at work, can't you use your cell phone and take a walk outside the office? or at least call from an unoccupied conference room? or at the very least talk softly enough so that your co-workers aren't bombarded by the intimate details of your life?

If I could just get everyone chewing with their mouths closed I might just be satisfied.

1 comment:

JadedTLC said...

MOOO.... Moooo...