Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Critical Beeping

If you know me at all, you know I am (overly?) sensitive to noises around me. From open-mouthed chewing to tapping on desks repeatedly throughout the day, every day, day after day. Oh when will the tapping end?

But I digress.

For the past several days an annoying beeping has been disturbing me. It is the standard critical stop beep from a coworkers computer. It took some deduction and some slight stalking behavior to narrow it done to the culprit. I decided to try the direct approach...

Dan's Email*:
Hey Karen,

I am not sure if this is a fair request, but I have been noticing your critical alert beeps from your computer often in the past several days…

I was wondering, is it possible to turn down or turn off the volume?


*Name has been changed to protect the innocent

Karen's Response Email:
Sure, no problem.

That was easy. She even came over to my desk and we shared some stories about noisy inconsiderate coworkers and she even had a coworker who chewed so loudly it drove her crazy.

There is hope for a quieter workplace!

1 comment:

JadedTLC said...

i actually do remember your issues with 6:09